Teie kommentaarid

кстати по поводу иконки готов помочь в тестировании. т.к. это единственный нормальный скриншотер для линукс.

Спасибо! теперь либа в пакете есть! но с иконкой проблема осталась, это проблема встречается в gnome shell и в некоторых версиях cinnamon http://joxi.ru/Rmz9PWdh0RGpvr на скриншоте joxi запущена и иконка joxi как бы есть слева от иконки телеграм, область кликабельна, но значок не отрисовывается. эта проблема существовала всегда.

в лог консоли не вчитывался, но на всякий случай прикрепил.

QSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record

QSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record
QIODevice::read: device not open
void Autorization::getUserInfo()User-agentJoxi 3.0.9
void Autorization::getUserInfo()AuthorizationBearer
onVisibleChanged * 1
implicitWidth -1 170
implicitWidth 0 170
implicitWidth 0 170
qrc:/qml/qml/Components/LoginPushButton.qml:20:5: QML Text: Possible anchor loop detected on fill.
qrc:/qml/qml/Components/Window.qml:113:9: QML Item: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.
qrc:/qml/qml/Components/Window.qml:113:9: QML Item: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.
qrc:/qml/qml/Components/ToolPushButton.qml:9: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: tool
QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap
QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap
QObject::connect: No such slot BlackoutArea::update()
QObject::connect: (sender name: 'JPainterArea')
QObject::connect: No such slot BlackoutArea::update()
QObject::connect: (sender name: 'JPainterArea')
onVisibleChanged * 1
implicitWidth -1 210
qrc:/qml/qml/Window/SurfaceWindow.qml:106: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: lightOpacity
QDeclarativeExpression: Expression "(function $x() { return (surface.width - selector.rubberRectRight < 115) ? selector.rubberRectLeft - width - 10 : selector.rubberRectRight + 10 })" depends on non-NOTIFYable properties:
implicitWidth 0 210
implicitWidth 0 210
qrc:/qml/qml/Components/ToolBar.qml:112: Unable to assign [undefined] to int axis
QObject::connect: No such signal SurfaceWidget::editPonoram(QPixmap)
calcCoordinate -----------------------------------
prv_data = 152 393
toolBar = 152 393 850 105
root = 1360 768
toolBarRect = 0 0 1366 768
QDeclarativeExpression: Expression "(function $x() { return (surface.width - selector.rubberRectRight < 115) ? selector.rubberRectLeft - width - 10 : selector.rubberRectRight + 10 })" depends on non-NOTIFYable properties:
content-type missing in HTTP POST, defaulting to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Use QNetworkRequest::setHeader() to fix this problem.
content-type missing in HTTP POST, defaulting to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Use QNetworkRequest::setHeader() to fix this problem.
force focus
QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap
QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap
QObject::connect: No such slot BlackoutArea::update()
QObject::connect: (sender name: 'JPainterArea')
QObject::connect: No such slot BlackoutArea::update()
QObject::connect: (sender name: 'JPainterArea')
onVisibleChanged * 1
implicitWidth -1 210
qrc:/qml/qml/Window/SurfaceWindow.qml:106: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: lightOpacity
QDeclarativeExpression: Expression "(function $x() { return (surface.width - selector.rubberRectRight < 115) ? selector.rubberRectLeft - width - 10 : selector.rubberRectRight + 10 })" depends on non-NOTIFYable properties:
implicitWidth 0 210
implicitWidth 0 210
qrc:/qml/qml/Components/ToolBar.qml:112: Unable to assign [undefined] to int axis
QObject::connect: No such signal SurfaceWidget::editPonoram(QPixmap)
calcCoordinate -----------------------------------
prv_data = 486 778
toolBar = 486 778 850 105
root = 1366 768
toolBarRect = 0 0 1366 768
QDeclarativeExpression: Expression "(function $x() { return (surface.width - selector.rubberRectRight < 115) ? selector.rubberRectLeft - width - 10 : selector.rubberRectRight + 10 })" depends on non-NOTIFYable properties:
content-type missing in HTTP POST, defaulting to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Use QNetworkRequest::setHeader() to fix this problem.
content-type missing in HTTP POST, defaulting to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Use QNetworkRequest::setHeader() to fix this problem.
QIODevice::read: device not open
QSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record
QSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record
qrc:/qml/qml/Components/Window.qml:113:9: QML Item: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.
qrc:/qml/qml/Components/Window.qml:113:9: QML Item: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.
QIODevice::read: device not open
QSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record
QSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record
qrc:/qml/qml/Components/Window.qml:104: Error: Invalid write to global property "cursorShape"
qrc:/qml/qml/Components/Window.qml:108: Error: Invalid write to global property "cursorShape"
onVisibleChanged * 1
implicitWidth -1 170
implicitWidth 0 170
implicitWidth 0 170
qrc:/qml/qml/Components/Window.qml:113:9: QML Item: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.
qrc:/qml/qml/Components/Window.qml:113:9: QML Item: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.

так понимаю это пакет без зависимостей просто.joxi: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by joxi)

на более старой иконка в gnome 3 в трее прозрачная. ну ладно в общем, сам разберусь с зависимостями, как время будет. Руками прийдется аккуратно поставить.

Кстати а где взять более старую версию то?

о, извиняюсь, что сразу не указал, затупил. debian 8.7

Linux Host 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.36-1+deb8u2 (2016-10-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux